Meg Hasek-Watt, R Psych, Founder Heart Body Mind and Riverwest Therapy Collective
Hi! I'm Meg, Registered Psychologist and founder of Heart Body Mind Psychological Services and the newly formed, Riverwest Therapy Collective.
I'm so grateful that you've visited me here online and are considering contacting me for all your psychological health and wellness needs.
I offer authenticity of experience and passion in my work that my clients share with me sets me apart. I'm a touch zany with my nerdy psych jokes (e.g. I always tell folks that swears are all good in my office, and that the only 'bad' swears are that the 'F-word' is "Fine" and the 'S-word' is "Should" - haha don't worry, I won't be leaving my day job anytime soon to join the stand-up comedy circuit ;-).
I believe in openness and transparency with my own experiences and so please feel welcome to connect anytime with further questions you may wish to have answered prior to booking.
My Professional Path and Background
I love learning; I always have and always will. As such, I have multiple degrees and continue to pursue studies, especially in Trauma and Anxiety to better serve my clients.
I am a Registered Psychologist, in good standing, with the College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP). I am also a member of the Psychologists Association of Alberta (PAA), the Canadian Psychotherapy Association (CPA), and the Canadian Counselling and Psychologists Association (CCPA). I hold a Master of Counselling Psychology from Athabasca University. I also completed my BA in Psychology, with honours, at the University of British Columbia, during which time I assisted with the Cognition & Emotion Lab under the tutelage and supervision of renowned professor, Dr. Eric Eich. I remain grateful to his inspiration, support, and trust in me as his guidance set me on this path as a young undergraduate student.
I use an integrative approach to ensure I offer a range of interventions and techniques that best fit my clients' needs. Some interventions and techniques you may have heard of or know already that I am informed include but are not limited to: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, Accelerated Resolution Therapy, Exposure Therapy, and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. I work from a Trauma-Informed and Trauma-sensitive lens, building in many various Trauma approaches including Trauma Centre Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Therapy and Movement in Trauma teachings. I am also informed by having worked closely with clinicians in Occupational Therapy for Psychological Injury, and so also have a lens of ensuring functional modalities that support clients’ activities of daily living (ADLs).
I also am pursuing my studies in Death and Dying, working with individuals facing end of life care decisions and working to change the way our society thinks about, talks about, and deals with Death, Dying, Grief, and Loss. I am honoured to volunteer at the annual Hazel’s Heroes Bereaved Parents Grief Retreat. For more information on this incredible organization, please visit:
I love love love learning, self-identifying as a very proud and passionate 'Nerd'. I am committed to continually further my skills, knowledge, and competencies to ensure I offer my clients evidence-based, effective, and supportive therapeutic interventions. In keeping with this, I have completed the following recent trainings since completing my academic studies:
Bereavement & Beyond Virtual Conference - Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Centre Canada - June 06, 2021
32nd Annual International Trauma Conference (virtual due to COVID) - May 26-29th, 2021
Caring, Death, and Loss in a Pandemic - Online Class with Sarah Kerr - Calgary, AB- March 2021
Advanced Clinical Supervision in Psychology - University of Calgary - Calgary, AB - February 2020-August 2020
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) - certification Basic Level Training - Calgary, AB - August 2019
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) - Calgary, AB - May 2019
The Trauma Centre's Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Teacher Training - Boston, MA - September 2016- April 2017
Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies at the Trauma Centre - Boston, MA - October 2017-April 2018
Shame, Self-Loathing, and Complex Trauma with Dr. Janina Fisher - online webinar March 2016
The Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga in Therapy: Bringing the Body into Treatment with David Emerson & Dr. Elizabeth Hopper- Boston, MA December 2015
Trauma and First Responders workshop - Calgary, AB March 2015
Foundations of Well Being with Dr. Rick Hanson - online webinar - March 2015
Prolonged Exposure Level 1 certification training with Dr. David Yusko - Vancouver, BC September 2014
Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference - Anaheim, CA December 2013 During the conference, I focused my participation on trauma-related workshops and trainings including but not limited to: EMDR with Dr. Francine Shapiro; Somatic approaches with Dr. Peter Levine; two specialized workshops on trauma with Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk and Dr. Donald Meichenbaum; ACT with Dr. Steven Hayes, and Positive Psychology with Dr. Dan Siegel
I also have a Master of Arts degree in Health Promotion at Dalhousie University that I completed prior to my Psychology studies. I completed my Master research thesis on the topic of young adults living with a chronic illness, which received funding awards through the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation.
Through my Health Promotion work, I have previously held positions such as Sexual Health Educator in Banff, AB, and have worked with First Nations groups in BC to address the legacy of Trauma through what was known as Indian Residential Schools. My background in Health Promotion enhances my ability to communicate and share psycho-educational materials, to connect and apply concepts in new, interesting ways, and to work from a position that seeks to incorporate a comprehensive, socio-cultural determinants view of psychological health and wellness.
On a Personal Note
I was diagnosed at 18 with a type of inflammatory arthritis called Sero-Negative Spondylarthropathy (say that 10 times fast!). I was unable to walk for about a year and a half while I explored and sought diagnosis and treatment. The experience took me down some dark rabbit holes myself, but with support, love, and guidance from friends, family, and health professionals including my psychologist and therapists, I learned how to live and thrive in my life and now happily, I can share that I am largely in remission. I have recently been diagnosed with a chronic pelvic nerve pain condition and exploring the world of pelvic pain with my incredible team of specialists. Finally, I also live with anxiety that is for the most part well managed by practicing my own oxygen mask first principle strategies of self-care, self-compassion, and boundaries (I am proud to walk the walk!). I share this with you as I am passionate about decreasing the stigma that comes with living with psychological conditions.